New Delhi: Reliance Jio has launched its new prepaid plan. The price of this plan is Rs 2,121. Also, the validity of the plan is 336 days. This plan for real estate is similar to its plan of 2020 rupees. Let us know that Jio started its plan in December as part of the 2020 Happy New Year offer.
What will be available in the plan of Rs 2,121
In Jio’s Rs 2121 plan, customers will get 1.5 GB of data. The validity of the plan will be 336 days. Apart from this, in the new prepaid plan, customers will get free voice calling from Jio to Jio and a landline. Apart from this, customers will get 12,000 minutes for calling on other networks. Also, customers will receive 100 SMS daily. Apart from this, you will get free access to Jio News, Jio TV, and Jio Cinema app.
You can get this recharge online and offline. At the same time, with the launch of this plan, Jio has stopped its 2020 plan. Explain that the validity of this plan was for 365 days. Also, customers received 1.5 GB of data per day under this plan. Apart from this, there was a feature of live-to-live free calling. This new plan of Jio will directly compete with Vodafone’s Rs 2399 plan and Airtel’s Rs 2398 plan.