A shocking incident has unfolded at Gudlavalleru Engineering College in Andhra Pradesh, where a hidden camera was allegedly discovered in the women’s hostel toilet. The camera believed to have been secretly recording videos of female students, led to an uproar as students claimed that the videos were leaked and sold by a senior student of the same college.
The scandal triggered an all-night protest at the Krishnan district college, with hundreds of students chanting “We want justice” throughout the night. In response to the outcry, the Andhra Pradesh government has swiftly ordered an inquiry into the matter.
Human Resource Development Minister Nara Lokesh took to X to announce the inquiry, stating, “I have ordered an investigation into the hidden camera allegations. Stringent action will be taken against the culprits. I have directed officials to ensure such incidents do not recur in educational institutions.”
The incident occurred when female students discovered the concealed camera in their toilet, leading to immediate alarm and distress. The protest began at 7 pm and continued through the night, highlighting the students’ demand for justice and safety.
Authorities have since arrested a senior male student from the boys’ hostel in connection with the scandal. His laptop and mobile phone were seized during the investigation, but no leaked videos have been found so far.
Krishna District SP Gandadhar Rao reassured students, saying, “We did not find any hidden cameras in the girls’ hostels during our probe. We searched the suspected student’s laptops, mobile phones, and other devices in the presence of students and college staff. No videos were found. Female students need not worry.” The investigation is ongoing.
This incident has left many female students shaken, with some expressing fear and discomfort about using the washroom facilities. The scandal comes just weeks after a similar incident in Bengaluru, where a hidden phone was found recording videos in a coffee shop’s women’s washroom, further raising concerns about privacy and safety in public and private spaces.